Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps (PTHPs) have undergone remarkable evolution since their early iterations as Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTACs) commonly found in hotels.
- Event: Beyond Energy Efficiency Conference
- Workshop: From Envelope to Occupancy: Zero Energy, Step by Step
- Date: Thursday, May 18, 2017
- Place: Zero Net Energy Center, San Leandro, CA
Are you ready to pursue a zero carbon, zero energy, Passive House or otherwise plain old high-performance project? We think zero energy is achieved at the meter, not the spreadsheet--yet countless projects tout “zero energy” without accountability at the meter. Attend Beyond Efficiency's workshop to discover how to apply a systematic, effective process to achieve your goals:
- Visioning and Goal-Setting
- Education
- Basis of Design
- Analysis and Iteration
- Implementation
- Feedback
Our workshop will involve technical presentations, case studies, and interactive breakout sessions to demonstrate how to practically apply this process to your projects. Highlights include outlining Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) and Basis of Design (BOD) processes to establish firm goals and a collaborative team spirit; applying the “Minimize, Optimize, Offset” logic to design-phase decision making via case studies; demonstrating how all energy uses, and heat losses and cooling loads, are typically distributed in residential-scale projects; and discussing energy monitoring systems options.
Register now for only $99.
We hope to see you on the 18th!